Tuesday, April 18, 2023

04/18/2023 - Jim's (SECLMW) baseball scores and notes - UNOFFICIAL

04/18/2023 - Jim's (SECLMW) baseball scores and notes - UNOFFICIAL
Unofficial, Uneditted and replete with errors of commission and omission
and http://albdistrict2mi.blogspot.com/ (American Legion baseball emphasis)

A very few scores -
High school - Michigan & Ohio (Toledo / Lima region)

#SECLMW's area UNOFFICIAL “week ahead” (MHSAA only) April 17-23 - http://baseballlmw.blogspot.com/2023/04/04162023-jims-seclmw-week-ahead.html
#SECLMW's area unofficial college standings (04/17/23) - http://baseballlmw.blogspot.com/2023/04/04172023-jims-seclmw-college-baseball.html
#SECLMW's area college awards (*) -
#SECLMW's unofficial SEC Baseball week (04/10 - 04/16) - http://baseballlmw.blogspot.com/2023/04/04162023-jims-seclmw-sec-baseball-week.html

Baseball notes / People / Recent News - media now follows the scores

Baldwin Wallace (OAC) / Hiram (NCAC)
Muskingum (OAC) / Franciscan (PAC)

Games -

#Monday 04/17/23 -

#MHSAA scores 04/17 -
MHSAA Scoreboard - https://www.mhsaa.com/scores (select sport & dates)
MaxPreps Scoreboard (Michigan 04/17) - https://www.maxpreps.com/mi/baseball/scores/?date=4/17/2023
SEC/SouthEastern Conference scores - https://www.secstandings.com/
Cascades Conference scores - https://cascadesconference.com/
Downriver League scores - Trenton BB has league standings - https://www.trentontrojanbaseball.com/teams/?u=COACHSZALKA&s=baseball (soon?) GLAC/Greater Lansing scores - tweet @GlacSports
Huron League scores -
I-8 / Interstate 8 scores -
LCAA / Lenawee County AA scores -
TCC / Tri-County Conference scores - https://tricountyconference.wordpress.com/
KLAA / Kensington Lakes AA scores - https://klaasports.org/baseball/
Others of my own choice - All from MaxPreps -
+1 - Alanson 14 (Northern Lakes), Boyne Falls 9 (Northern Lakes)
+2 - Boyne Falls 7 (Northern Lakes), Alanson 1 (Northern Lakes)
+Genesee Christian 14 (independent), Flint Hamady 0 (Genesee Area)
+Roeper School 14 (MIAC/Red), Frankel Jewish Academy 6 (CHSL)

#OHSAA scores 04/17 -
Blade/box - Toledo Blade print edition
Courier - Findlay Courier
C/News - Crescent News (Defiance)
*Media / MaxPreps (Lima & Toledo Metro) scores (subject to my errors / mistakes) -
(note conferences are generally what MaxPreps has!)
*BBC/Buckeye Border High School Baseball Scores - https://sites.google.com/hilltopcadets.org/bbc/schools
*BVC/Blanchard Valley High School Baseball Scores - http://bvcathletics.com/
+Pandora-Gilboa 16 (BVC & PCL), Vanlue 1 (BVC)
*Firelands High School Baseball Scores - https://www.mapleton.k12.oh.us/FirelandsConference.aspx
*GMC/Green Meadows High School Baseball Scores - https://sites.google.com/view/greenmeadowsconference/home
*MAC/Midwest Athletic High School Baseball Scores - https://midwestathleticconference.com/
*N10/Northern 10 High School Baseball Scores - http://www.northern10.com/
*NBC/Northern Buckeye High School Baseball Scores - http://nbc-ohio.org/
*NLL/Northern Lakes High School Baseball Scores - https://www.nllsports.com/
*NWC/Northwest High School Baseball Scores - https://www.nwc-sports.com/
*NWCC/Northwest Central High School Baseball Scores - https://www.nwccsports.com/
*NWOAL/Northwest Ohio High School Baseball Scores - https://nwoal.org/
*PCL/Putnam County High School Baseball Scores - https://www.putnamcountyleague.org/
+Pandora-Gilboa 16 (BVC & PCL), Vanlue 1 (BVC)
*SBC / Sandusky Bay (River, Lake & Bay) High School Baseball Scores - https://www.sanduskybayconference.net/
*TRAC / Three Rivers High School Baseball Scores - https://www.tracsports.org/
+1 - Toledo Central Catholic 13 (TRAC), Lima Senior 1 (TRAC)
+2 - Toledo Central Catholic 11 (TRAC), Lima Senior 1 (TRAC)
*TAAC / Toledo Area High School Baseball Scores
*TCL / Toledo City High School Baseball Scores
*Western Buckeye High School Baseball Scores - https://www.wblsports.com/

#NJCAA scores 04/17 -

MCCAA Schedule seems to stop on April 15? - https://www.mccaa.org/sports/bsb/2022-23/schedule



*WIAC Baseball - https://wiacsports.com/sports/baseball (Finlandia University has closed)
+Baldwin Wallace 8 (OAC; 23-5), Hiram 5 (NCAC; 12-16)
+1 - Muskingum 8 (OAC; 15-11), Franciscan 1 (PAC; 5-20)
+2 - Muskingum 11 (OAC; 16-11), Franciscan 10 (PAC; 5-21)

GLVC / Great Lakes Valley Baseball - https://glvcsports.com/sports/baseball

U-Cincinnati Baseball (AAC / American Athletic) - https://gobearcats.com/sports/baseball/schedule

Media -

#JTV / Jackson TV sports - https://jtv.tv/shows/jtv-sports/

#Arbor Broadcasting game videos - https://arborbroadcasting.com/ - Baseball

#BCSN Highlights -

* * *

Some Links -
MHSBCA / Michigan High School Baaseball Association - https://www.mhsbca.org/
OHSBCA / Ohio High School Baseball Association - http://www.ohsbca.org/aws/OHSBCA/pt/sp/home_page
American Legion Baseball - https://www.legion.org/baseball
Michigan American Legion Baseball - https://michiganlegion.org/baseball/
Ohio American Legion Baseball - https://www.ohiolegion.com/programs/baseball/
NCAA DI / D1Baseball site (https://d1baseball.com/scores/)
Collegiate Baseball - http://baseballnews.com/

* * *

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