04/17/2024 - Jim's (SECLMW) Baseball Notes
Unofficial, Uneditted and replete with errors of commission and omission
also posted at: http://baseballlmw.blogspot.com/
and http://albdistrict2mi.blogspot.com/ (American Legion baseball emphasis)
Reminder - as the MHSAA & OHSAA seasons ramp up my college coverage will “slack off”. At a minimum I will try to make sure I get weekly standings & awards.
High School Baseball -
*High School “Week Ahead” - April 15-21 - http://baseballlmw.blogspot.com/2024/04/seclmws-unofficial-week-ahead-baseball.html
*SEC Weekly recap - http://baseballlmw.blogspot.com/2024/04/04142024-jims-sec-baseball-week-seclmw.html
*SEC unofficial game notes - Monday 04/15 - http://baseballlmw.blogspot.com/2024/04/04172024-jims-sec-0415-game-recaps.html]
MHSAA Baseball scores - https://www.mhsaa.com/scores (not all scores listed by me!)
*JTV Scoreboard 04/16 - https://jtv.tv/jtv-sports-jackson-county-scoreboard-april-16-2024/
*MLive / Jackson (Eric Ingles) - Northwest, Western split baseball doubleheader - https://www.mlive.com/highschoolsports/2024/04/northwest-western-split-baseball-doubleheader.html
*Saline Post (Tran Longmore) - BASEBALL: Saline Defeats Skyline, 16-5, Stays Undefeated - https://thesalinepost.com/g/saline-mi/n/248809/baseball-saline-defeats-skyline-16-5-stays-undefeated
Tuesday 04/16/24 -
+1 - Saline 9 (SEC Red), Ann Arbor Skyline 4 (SEC Red)
+2 - Saline 4 (SEC Red) / Ann Arbor Skyline 4 (SEC Red) - tied after 5in
+Chelsea 8 (SEC White), Adrian 3 (SEC White)
+1 - Onsted 10 (LCAA), Hudson 1 (LCAA)
+2 - Onsted 14 (LCAA), Hudson 1 (LCAA)
+1 - Adrian Madison 14 (LCAA), Hillsdale 1 (LCAA)
+2 - Adrian Madison 5 (LCAA), Hillsdale 1 (LCAA)
+1 - Blissfield 3 (LCAA), Dundee 1 (LCAA)
+2 - Dundee 6 (LCAA), Blissfield 5 (LCAA)
+1 - Clinton 5 (LCAA), Ida 2 (LCAA)
+2 - Clinton (LCAA) / Ida (LCAA) - scheduled for 04/17?
+1 - Battle Creek Harper Creek 5 (Interstate 8), Marshall 3 (Interstate 8)
+2 - Battle Creek Harper Creek 5 (Interstate 8), Marshall 4 (Interstate 8)
+1 - Coldwater 11 (Interstate 8), Hastings 1 (Interstate 8)
+2 - Coldwater 16 (Interstate 8), Hastings 0 (Interstate 8)
+1 - Parma Western 14 (Interstate 8), Jackson Northwest 10 (Interstate 8)\
+2 - Jackson Northwest 11 (Interstate 8), Parma Western 2 (Interstate 8)
+1 - Quincy 5 (Big 8), Concord 4 (Big 8)
+2 - Concord 6 (Big 8), Quincy 1 (Big 8)
+1 - Quincy 5 (Big 8), Concord 4 (Big 8)
+2 - Concord 6 (Big 8), Quincy 1 (Big 8)
+1 - Vermontville Maple Valley 3 (Big 8), Union City 2 (Big 8)
+2 - Vermontville Maple Valley 11 (Big 8), Union City 1 (Big 8)
+Adrian Lenawee Christian/MI 4 (TCC), Emmanuel Christian/OH 2 (TAAC)
+Dearborn Edsel Ford 2 (Downriver), Taylor 1 (Downriver)
+Whitmore Lake 12 (MIAC/Blue), Charyl Stockwell Academy 6 (MIAC/Blue)
+Washtenaw Christian Academy 32 (ind), Hope Christian Academy 3 ()
+Toledo St Francis de Sales/OH 4 (CHSA/Central), U-Detroit Jesuit/MI 1 (CHSL/Central)
+Birmingham Brother Rice/MI 10 (CHSL/Central), Toledo Central Catholic/OH 1 (CHSL/Central)
+Detroit Catholic Central/MI 4 (CHSL/Central), Toledo St John's Jesuit/OH 2 (CHSL/Central)
+1 - Marine City Cardinal Mooney 5 (CHSL/AA), Jackson Lumen Christi 4 (CHSL/AA)
+2 - Marine City Cardinal Mooney 5 (CHSL/AA), Jackson Lumen Christi 1 (CHSL/AA)
+1 - Riverview Gabriel Richard 6 (CHSL/AA), Ann Arbor Gabriel Richard 4 (CHSL/AA)
+2 - Ann Arbor Gabriel Richard (CHSL/AA) / Riverview Gabriel Richard (CHSL/AA)
*(AA Richard shown as leading 2-1 after 5 innings on GameChanger)
+1 - Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes 1 (CHSL/IS1), Ann Arbor Greenhills 0 (CHSL/IS1)
+2 - Waterford Our Lady of the Lakes 5 (CHSL/IS1), Ann Arbor Greenhills 2 (CHSL/IS1)
+Belleville 12 (KLAA/East), Westland John Glenn 5 (KLAA/East)
+Novi 3 (KLAA/West), Brighton 0 (KLAA/West)
+Ecorse 15 (Charter School), Dearborn 1 (KLAA/East)
+1 - Okemos 4 (CAAC/Blue), Hartland 0 (KLAA/West)
+2 - Hartland 7 (KLAA/West), Okemos 4 (CAAC/Blue)
OHSAA Baseball scores - MaxPreps (Toledo/Lima metro) -
*Crescent News (staff) - Tuesday baseball: DHS moves to 3-0 in WBL - https://www.crescent-news.com/sports/local_sports/tuesday-baseball-dhs-moves-to-3-0-in-wbl/article_c56bd26e-fc50-11ee-84aa-dbe232e71f6a.html
*Crescent News (staff) - Tuesday baseball: WT extends GMC win streak to nine in comeback victory - https://www.crescent-news.com/sports/local_sports/tuesday-baseball-wt-extends-gmc-win-streak-to-nine-in-comeback-victory/article_bd7f3b6e-fc59-11ee-8333-5bc0aa316086.html
*Toledo Blade (Steve Junga) - Northview completes 2-game NLL baseball sweep of Perrysburg - https://www.toledoblade.com/sports/high-school/2024/04/16/northview-perrysburg-baseball-2-game-northern-lakes-league-nll-sweep/stories/20240416151
*Toledo Blade (Print edition) - box scores
Tuesday 04/16/24 -
+Toledo St Francis de Sales/OH 4 (CHSL/Central), U-Detroit Jesuit/MI 1 (CHSL/Central)
+Birmingham Brother Rice/MI 10 (CHSL/Central), Toledo Central Catholic/OH 1 (CHSL/Central)
+Detroit Catholic Central/MI 4 (CHSL/Central), Toledo St John's Jesuit/OH 2 (CHSL/Central)
*NLL / Northern Lakes
+Sylvania Northview 6 (NLL/Buckeye), Perrysburg 1 (NLL/Buckeye)
+Napoleon/OH 5 (NLL/Cardinal), Holland Springfield 0 (NLL/Cardinal)
+Sylvania Southview 6 (NLL/Cardinal), Bowling Green 1 (NLL/Cardinal)
+Oregon Clay 4 (NLL/Cardinal), Fremont Ross 0 (NLL/Cardinal)
*WBC / Western Buckeye
+Defiance 3 (WBC), Van Wert 1 (WBC)
+Lima Bath 12 (WBC), Kenton 1 (WBC)
+Elida 4 (WBC), Ottawa-Glandorf 1 (WBC)
+Lima Shawnee 4 (WBC), Celina 1 (WBC)
+Wapakoneta 6 (WBC), St Marys Memorial 5 (WBC)
*TAAC / Toledo Area
+Toledo Christian 4 (TAAC), Northwood 2 (TAAC)
+Adrian Lenawee Christian/MI 4 (TCC), Emmanuel Christian/OH 2 (TAAC)
+Ottawa Hills 13 (TAAC), Oregon Cardinal Stritch 1 (TAAC)
*SBC/River / Sandusky Bay - River
+Hopewell-Loudon 2 (SBC/River), Arcadia 1 (BVC)
+Sandusky St Mary 13 (SBC/River), Fremont St Joseph 5 (SBC/River)
+Oak Harbor 6 (NBC), Lakota 2 (SBC/River)
+New Riegel 15 (SBC/River), Arlington 1 (BVC)
+Liberty Benton 3 (BVC), Tiffin Calvert 2 (SBC/River)
+Lake 12 (NBC), Woodmore 0 (SBC/River)
*SBC/Lake / Sandusky Bay - Lake
+Sandusky Perkins 10 (SBC/Lake), Norwalk 9 (SBC/Lake)
+Sandusky 15 (SBC/Lake), Port Clinton 3 (SBC/Bay)
*SBC/Bay / Sandusky Bay - Bay
+Sandusky 15 (SBC/Lake), Port Clinton 3 (SBC/Bay)
+Vermillion 10 (SBC/Bay), Huron/OH 9 (SBC/Bay)
*NWOAL / NorthWest Ohio
+Maumee 7 (NBC), Bryan 6 (NWOAL)
*NWCC / NorthWest Central
+Hardin Northern 11 (NWCC), Ridgemont 1 (NWCC)
+Lima Perry 17 (NWCC), Cory-Rawson 4 (NWCC)
+Elgin 9 (NWCC), Waynesfield-Goshen 1 (NWCC)
+Upper Scioto Valley 10 (NWCC), Temple Christian 0 (NWCC)
? - North Baltimore (NWCC) / Ridgedale (NWCC)
*NWC / NorthWest
+Spencerville 4 (NWC), Ada 0 (NWC)
*NBC / Northern Buckeye
+Maumee 7 (NBC), Bryan 6 (NWOAL)
+Oak Harbor 6 (NBC), Lakota 2 (SBC/River)
+Lake 12 (NBC), Woodmore 0 (SBC/River)
*N10 / Northern 10
+Upper Sandusky 7 (N10), Seneca East 1 (N10)
? - Bucyrus (N10) / Colonel Crawford (N10)
? - Wynford (N10) / Carey (N10)
*MAC / Midwest Athletic
+St Henry 4 (MAC), New Knoxville 0 (MAC)
+Delphis St. John's 4 (MAC), Parkway 1 (MAC)
+Versailles 7 (MAC), Minster 6 (MAC)
+Coldwater/OH 13 (MAC), Fort Recovery 3 (MAC)
+Marion Local 5 (MAC), New Bremen 2 (MAC)
*GMC / Green Meadows
+Fairview 4 (GMC), Paulding 1 (GMC)
+Wayne Trace 8 (GMC), Ayersville 5 (GMC)
+Antwerp 3 (GMC), Hicksville 2 (GMC)
+Tinora 3 (GMC), Edgerton 2 (GMC)
+Plymouth 6 (Firelands), New London 3 (Firelands)
+Norwalk St Paul 8 (Firelands), Mapleton 0 (Firelands)
+Monroeville 8 (Firelands), Crestview 6 (Firelands)
+South Central 11 (Firelands), Western Reserve 4 (Firelands)
*BBC / Buckeye Border
+Stryker 13 (BBC), Pettisville 6 (BBC)
+Edon 6 (BBC), North Central 5 (BBC)
+Hilltop 4 (BBC), Holgate 2 (BBC)
? - Montpelier (BBC) / Gorham Fayette (BBC)
*BVC / Blanchard Valley
+Ottoville 12 (PCL), Pandora-Gilboa 5 (BVC / PCL)
+Liberty Benton 3 (BVC), Tiffin Calvert 2 (SBC/River)
+Hopewell-Loudon 2 (SBC/River), Arcadia 1 (BVC)
+New Riegel 15 (SBC/River), Arlington 1 (BVC)
+Riverdale 3 (BVC), Anna 2 (Shelby County)
? - North Baltimore (NWCC) / Ridgedale (NWCC)
*PCL / Putnam County
+Ottoville 12 (PCL), Pandora-Gilboa 5 (PCL/BVC)
+Fort Jennings 3 (PCL), Kalida 2 (PCL)
+Leipsic 4 (PCL), Miller City 2 (PCL)
? - Continental (PCL) / Columbus Grove (PCL)
College Baseball - Tuesday 04/16
#D3Baseball's highlights from -
Weekly awards / highlights -
#MCCAA (NJCAA) Weekly awards - https://www.mccaa.org/aotw/POTW_Archive/2023-24_POTW_ARCHIVE/2023-24_POTW_ARCHIVE
#OCCAC (NJCAA) Weekly awards - https://www.occac.org/POTW4-15-24
Player of the Week - Kyle Koehler, Cuyahoga CC (Pickerington North HS/OH)
#Crossroads (NAIA) Weekly awards - https://www.crossroadsleague.com/general/2023-24/releases/20240415imcndz
Player of the Week - Rylee Singleton, Taylor (Evansville North HS/IN)
Pitcher of the Week - Deron Swanson, Saint Francis (Fort Wayne Snider HS/IN)
#WHAC (NAIA) Weekly awards - https://www.whac.net/sports/bsb/2023-24/releases/20240415yrkkxm
Pitcher of the Week - Haden Fisk, Cleary (Milwaukee Area Tech/WI )
Player of the Week - Drew Fleming, Concordia (Davison HS/MI)
#River States (NAIA) Weekly awards -
Pitcher of the Week - Thomas King, Oakland City (Louisville, KY / LSU Shreveport) - https://www.riverstatesconference.com/sports/bsb/2023-24/releases/20240416ap5zhc
Player of the Week - Nick Eastham, Midway (Rowan County Senior HS/KY) - https://www.riverstatesconference.com/sports/bsb/2023-24/releases/20240416am2arg
#HCAC (NCAA/III) Weekly awards - https://heartlandconf.org/news/2024/4/15/untitled-story.aspx
Hitter of the Week - Brennan Martin, Mount St Joseph (Cincinnati Elder HS/OH)
Pitching Athlete of the Week - Chris Hautman, Hanover College (Oldenburg Academy/IN)
*Notable Performances:
Charlie Jones (Portage, Ind.) Anderson University
Phoenix Guzzi (Gibraltar Carlson HS/MI) Earlham College
Alex Christie (Greenwood, Ind.) Hanover College
Rocco Hanes (Ossian, Ind.) Manchester University
Connor O'Connell (Fort Myers, Fla.) Rose-Hulman Insitute of Technology
Henry Mitcham (Lexington, Ky.) Transylvania University
Landen Southern (Lafayette, Ind.) Anderson University
Braeden Lewis (Oshawana, Ontario) Earlham College
Aidan Post (Fairfield HS/OH) Mount St. Joseph University
Ian Kline (Frederick, MD) Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Henry Craig (Lousiville, Ky.) Transylvania University
#MIAA (NCAA/III) Weekly awards - https://www.miaa.org/potw/2023-24/AOTW_2024April15
Pitcher of the Week - Tyler Johnson, Alma College (Croswell Lexington HS/MI)
Player of the Week - Tony Smith, Alma College (Waterford Kettering HS/MI)
#NCAC (NCAA/III) Weekly awards - https://northcoast.org/news/2024/4/16/general-ncac-athletes-of-the-week-week-of-april-16- .aspx
Player of the Week - AJ Reid, Wabash (Highland HS/IN)
Pitcher of the Week - Pearse Riendeau, DePauw (Richmond Collegiate/VA)
#OAC (NCAA/III) Weekly awards - https://www.oac.org/sports/Players_of_the_Week/2023-24/4.15.24
Pitcher of the Week - Noah Truax, Ohio Northern (Bishop Watterson HS/OH)
Player of the Week - Zack Mazza, Mount Union (Flint Powers Catholic HS/MI)
#UAA (NCAA/III) Weekly awards - https://uaasports.info/sports/2023/8/15/information-aow-aow2021.aspx
#GLIAC (NCAA/II) Weekly awards - https://www.gliac.org/sports/bsb/2023-24/releases/Week_9
Player of the Week - Hayden Jatczak, Saginaw Valley State (Bay City Central HS/MI)
Pitcher of the Week - Nick Rutkowski, Grand Valley State (Sterling Heights Stevenson HS/MI - Oakland)
Emanuel Andujar Ferreira (Wisconsin Parkside - Santo Domingo, D.R. / Florida Prep)
Leo Berger (Wisconsin Parkside - Milwaukee Rufus King HS/WI)
Kyle Nott (Grand Valley State - Jenison HS/MI)
Reagan Paulina (Wayne State - Detroit Catholic Central HS/MI - Oakland)
Ashton Potts (Wayne State - Sterling Heights Stevenson HS/MI - Kellogg CC)
Cole Olson (Purdue Northwest - Central Montcalm HS/MI - Muskegon CC)
Josh Robinson (Davenport - DeWitt HS/MI)
Brandon Scheurer (Saginaw Valley State - Portland St Patrick HS/MI)
#Big 10+ (NCAA/I) Weekly awards - https://bigten.org/news/2024/4/15/illinois-nebraska-and-purdue-claim-weekly-baseball-awards.aspx
Player of the Week - Jacob Schroeder, Illinois (Homewood-Flossmoor HS/IL - John A. Logan CC)
Pitcher of the Week - Mason McConnaughey, Nebraska (Seaman HS/KS - Cloud County CC)
Freshman of the Week - Luke Gaffney, Purdue (Boyle County HS/KY)
#Horizon League (NCAA/I) Weekly awards - https://horizonleague.org/news/2024/4/15/baseball-under-armour-hlbase-players-of-the-week-april-16.aspx
Batter of the Week - Sammy Sass, Wright State (Upper Arlington HS/OH)
Pitcher of the Week - Luke Hansel, Milwaukee (Union Grove HS/WI)
#MAC (NCAA/I) Weekly awards - https://getsomemaction.com/news/2024/4/15/softball-mac-announces-weekly-baseball-award-winners.aspx
Player of the Week - Hunter Dobbins, Ball State (Mount Vernon HS/IN)
Pitcher of the Week - Brady Miller, Western Michigan (Plainfield North HS/IL)
Pitcher of the Week - Grant Umberger, Toledo (Downingtown East HS/PA - Virginia Tech)
#NJCAA DII Leader Board (updated daily!) - https://www.njcaa.org/sports/bsb/2023-24/div2/leaders
#NJCAA DIII Leader Board (updated daily!) - https://www.njcaa.org/sports/bsb/2023-24/div3/index
#NJCAA DI Leader Board (updated daily) - https://www.njcaa.org/sports/bsb/2023-24/div1/leaders
#NAIA Leader Board (updated daily) - https://naiastats.prestosports.com/sports/bsb/2023-24/leaders
#D3Baseball's Top 25 - https://www.d3baseball.com/top25/2024/2024Top25-week-8
Through games of Sunday, April 14, 2024
Num School - Rec
1 Endicott/MA - 24-2
2 Denison/OH - 25-3 (HCAC)
3 Baldwin Wallace/OH - 24-4 (OAC)
4 East Texas Baptist/TX - 27-6
5 Salisbury/MD - 24-6
6 UW-Whitewater/WI - 23-4 (WIAC)
7 Salve Regina/RI - 21-4
8 Johns Hopkins/MD - 21-7
9 La Verne/CA - 18-6-1
10 UW-La Crosse/WI - 18-6 (WIAC)
11 Aurora/IL - 21-6
12 Trinity/TX - 24-8
13 Christopher Newport/VA - 20-7
14 Benedictine/IL - 20-6
15 Eastern Connecticut/CT - 21-6
16 Pomona-Pitzer/CA - 23-8
17 Case Western Reserve/OH - 24-7 (UAA)
18 Montclair State/NJ - 24-7
19 Misericordia/PA - 20-8
20 Rowan/NJ - 16-9
21 Buena Vista/IA - 21-6
22 Shenandoah/VA - 21-10
23 Roger Williams/RI - 18-4
24 North Carolina Wesleyan/NC - 22-9
25 Marymount/VA - 24-5
*Others receiving votes (not the full listing):
Otterbein/OH (OAC)
Kalamazoo/MI (MIAA)
Transylvania/KY (HCAC)
Mount Union/OH (OAC)
UW-Stevens Point/WI (WIAC)
* * *
NJCAA Baseball - https://www.njcaa.org/sports/bsb/index
#MCCAA - https://www.mccaa.org/sports/bsb/index
#OCCAC - https://www.occac.org/sports/bsb/index
* * *
#NAIA Baseball - https://naiastats.prestosports.com/sports/bsb/index
#Crossroads - https://www.crossroadsleague.com/sports/bsb/index
#WHAC - https://www.whac.net/sports/bsb/index
* * *
#NCAA/III - https://www.d3baseball.com/landing/index
#HCAC - https://heartlandconf.org/sports/baseball
#MIAA - https://www.miaa.org/sports/bsb/index
#NCAC - https://northcoast.org/sports/baseball
#OAC - https://www.oac.org/sports/bsb/index
#UAA - https://uaa.prestosports.com/sports/bsb/index -
#USCAA Baseball - https://theuscaa.com/sports/bsb/index (selected scores)
#NCCAA Baseball - https://thenccaa.org/sports/baseball (selected scores)
#Others -
*Community Christian - NJCAA (Detroit, MI)
*Franciscan - NCAA/III - PAC (Steubenville, OH)
*Grace Christian - NCCAA (Wyoming, MI)
*Wilberforce University - NAIA (Wilberforce, OH)
* * *
#NCAA/II - https://www.ncaa.com/sports/baseball/d2
#GLIAC - https://www.gliac.org/sports/bsb/index
#GMAC - https://greatmidwestsports.com/sports/baseball
* * *
#NCAA/I Baseball - D1Baseball - https://d1baseball.com/
#Big Ten+ - https://bigten.org/calendar.aspx?path=baseball
#Horizon League - https://horizonleague.org/sports/baseball
#MAC - https://getsomemaction.com/sports/baseball
#Other DI baseball -
*Cincinnati (Big XII) -
*Dayton (A10 - Ryan Steinhauer/Saline) -
*Florida Atlantic (AAC - Zack Abbey/Milan) -
*Xavier (Big East - Donavan Canterberry/Woodhaven) -
* * *
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