Tuesday, May 2, 2023

05/02/2023 - Jim's (SECLMW) baseball scores and notes - UNOFFICIAL

05/02/2023 - Jim's (SECLMW) baseball scores and notes - UNOFFICIAL
Unofficial, Uneditted and replete with errors of commission and omission
and http://albdistrict2mi.blogspot.com/ (American Legion baseball emphasis)

#SECLMW's area UNOFFICIAL “week ahead” (MHSAA only) May 1-7 - http://baseballlmw.blogspot.com/2023/04/04302023-jims-seclmw-week-ahead.html
#SECLMW's unofficial SEC Baseball week (04/24 - 04/30) - http://baseballlmw.blogspot.com/2023/04/04302023-jims-seclmw-sec-baseball-week.html
#SECLMW's area unofficial college standings (05/01/23) - http://baseballlmw.blogspot.com/2023/05/05012023-jims-seclmw-college-baseball.html

#SECLMW's area college awards (*) -

Baseball notes / People / Recent News - media now follows the scores

#Lenawee County minor leaguers begin 2023 season (Kristopher Lodes - Adrian Daily Telegram 05/02) https://www.lenconnect.com/story/sports/2023/05/02/lenawee-county-minor-league-baseball-players-finish-first-month-of-the-season/70163069007/
*Cameron Wagoner (Tecumseh HS) - Cincinnati Reds/AA - Chattanooga Lookouts;
*Sam Benschoter (Tecumseh HS) - Milwaukee Brewers/Hi-A - Wisconsin Timber Rattlers;
*Tommy Parsons (Adrian College) - St. Louis Cardinals/AAA - Memphis Redbirds;
*Dugan Darnell (Adrian College) - Colorado Rockies/AA - Hartford Yard Goats;
*Ryan Dorow (Adrian College) - Texas Rangers/AAA - Round Rock Express - injured;
*Pierce Banks (Adrian College) - Minnesota Twins - Twins Rookie League;

Games -

#Monday 05/01/23 -

#MHSAA scores 05/01 -
MHSAA Scoreboard - https://www.mhsaa.com/scores (select sport & dates)
MaxPreps Scoreboard (Michigan 05/01) - https://www.maxpreps.com/mi/baseball/scores/?date=5/1/2023

SEC/SouthEastern Conference scores - https://www.secstandings.com/

+1 - Saline 8 (SEC/Red; 7-3 / 12-8), Bedford 2 (SEC/Red; 8-2 / 11-8) - Saline / Bedford GC
*v Bedford (2-9-4 / 2-10-4); SP/LP-G Bock (3ip), P2-B Voneyard (3ip); 2H (C Gambino; I Garrow); 2RBI (C Gambino); 2B (I Garrow-2);
*H Saline (8-6-1 / 8-6-0); SP/WP-J Muir (6ip); P2-B Wise (1ip); 2H (T Beazeau); 2RBI (M Notar); 2B (T Beazeau)
?-2 Saline (SEC/Red) / Bedford (SEC/Red) - suspended 4th inning

+1 - Lincoln 6 (SEC/Red; 3-7 / 5-11). Ann Arbor Pioneer 5 (SEC/Red; 3-7 / 4-13) - Lincoln / Pioneer GC
*v Pioneer (5-10-1 / 5-9-3); SP-T Verhey-Henke (3.1ip); P2-J Wisniewski (5bf); P3-O Nesbit (2.2ip); 2H (A McEwen-3; A Adair-3); 2RBI (A McEwen); 2B (A McEwen);
*H Lincoln (6-7-3 / 6-5-5); SP/nd-B Iacofano (3ip); P2/WP-J Ramsey (1ip); P3-A Lemke (3ip); 2H (C Samuelson); 2RBI (J Ramsey); 2B (B Iacofano);
?-2 Ann Arbor Pioneer (SEC/Red) / Lincoln (SEC/Red) - Postponed

Rescheduled SEC league games (per MHSAA site Mon 05/01 9pm) - SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Wednesday 05/03 - check locations & times!
*at Adrian - Adrian (SEC/White) / Jackson (SEC/White) - 4pm DH
*at Pinckney - Pinckney (SEC/White) / Ypsilanti (SEC/White) - 4pm DH
*at Tecumseh - Tecumseh (SEC/White) / Chelsea (SEC/White) - 4pm DH
*at AA Skyline - Ann Arbor Skyline (SEC/Red) / Ann Arbor Huron (SEC/Red) - 4pm DH
*at Dexter - Dexter (SEC/Red) / Monroe (SEC/Red) - 4pm DH
*at Lincoln? - Ann Arbor Pioneer (SEC/Red) / Lincoln (SEC/Red) - 4pm DH (check)
*at Bedford - Bedford (SEC/Red) / Saline (SEC/Red) - 4pm? - complete suspended game, then regularly scheduled game;
Thursday 05/04 - check locations & times!
*at AA Huron - Ann Arbor Huron (SEC/Red) / Ann Arbor Skyline (SEC/Red), 4:30 PM
*at Monroe - Monroe (SEC/Red) / Dexter (SEC/Red) - 4:30 PM
* removed! Saline (SEC/Red) / Bedford (SEC/Red)
*at Jackson - Jackson (SEC/White) / Adrian (SEC/White), 4:30 PM
*at Tecumseh - Tecumseh (SEC/White) vs. Chelsea (SEC/White), 4:00 PM
*at Ypsilanti Ypsilanti Community (SEC/White) vs. Pinckney (SEC/White), 4:30 PM

Cascades Conference scores - https://cascadesconference.com/
?-East Jackson (Cascades) / Addison (Cascades)
?-Vandercook Lake (0-7) / Grass Lake (Cascades)

Downriver League scores - Trenton BB has league standings - https://www.trentontrojanbaseball.com/teams/?u=COACHSZALKA&s=baseball
+Trenton 7 (Downriver; 13-6), Dearborn Edsel Ford 2 (Downriver; 5-8)
+Woodhaven (Downriver; 10-7?), Gibraltar Carlson 0 (Downriver; 8-8) - Monroe News
+Taylor 5 (Downriver; 6-8), Lincoln Park 4 (Downriver; 1-16?)
+1 - Southgate Anderson 10 (Downriver; 10-5), Melvindale 2 (Western Wayne; ?)
+2 - Southgate Anderson 8 (Downriver; 11-5), Melvindale 0 (Western Wayne; ?)

GLAC/Greater Lansing scores - tweet @GlacSports

Huron League scores (W-L is from GC - any errors are MINE!) -
+Flat Rock 9 (Huron; 9-6), Monroe Jefferson 2 (Huron; 6-10) - Monroe News

I-8 / Interstate 8 scores -
?-Kalamazoo Central (SWMAC) / Battle Creek Harper Creek (I-8)

LCAA / Lenawee County AA scores (W-L is from GC) -

TCC / Tri-County Conference scores (W-L is from GC) - https://tricountyconference.wordpress.com/
?-Pittsford (SCAA) / Sand Creek (TCC)

KLAA / Kensington Lakes AA scores (W-L is from GC) - https://klaasports.org/baseball
+Brighton 12 (KLAA/West; 13-5), Canton 0 (KLAA/West; 7-10)
+Northville 4 (KLAA/West; 16-1), Novi 3 (KLAA/West; 12-5)
+Salem 10 (KLAA/West; 9-8), Plymouth 6 (KLAA/West; 10-9)

Lakes Valley scores (W-L is from GC) - https://www.lakesvalleyconference.org/baseball.html

Others of my own choice -

#SVL / Saginaw Valley League - https://svlsports.com/
*Stripes Division
*Stars Division
#OAA / Oakland Activities Association - https://oaaathletics.com/
#CHSL / Detroit Catholic High School League - https://www.chsl.com/sports/baseball
*Central Division
*AA Division
*I/S / Intersectional Division
#MAC / Macomb Area Conference - http://macombmac.misd.net/baseball.htm
*Red Division
*White Division
*Blue Division
*Gold Division
*Silver Division

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#OHSAA scores 05/01 -
Blade/box - Toledo Blade print edition
Courier - Findlay Courier
C/News - Crescent News (Defiance)
SanReg - Sandusky Register
NWR - Northwest Register
scores (subject to my errors / mistakes) -

*BVC/Blanchard Valley High School Baseball Scores - http://bvcathletics.com/

*BBC/Buckeye Border High School Baseball Scores - https://sites.google.com/hilltopcadets.org/bbc/schools

*Firelands High School Baseball Scores - https://www.mapleton.k12.oh.us/FirelandsConference.aspx

*GMC/Green Meadows High School Baseball Scores - https://sites.google.com/view/greenmeadowsconference/home

*MAC/Midwest Athletic High School Baseball Scores - https://midwestathleticconference.com/

*N10/Northern 10 High School Baseball Scores - http://www.northern10.com/
*NBC/Northern Buckeye High School Baseball Scores - http://nbc-ohio.org/

*NLL/Northern Lakes High School Baseball Scores - https://www.nllsports.com/

*NWC/Northwest High School Baseball Scores - https://www.nwc-sports.com/

*NWCC/Northwest Central High School Baseball Scores - https://www.nwccsports.com/

*NWOAL/Northwest Ohio High School Baseball Scores - https://nwoal.org/

*PCL/Putnam County High School Baseball Scores - https://www.putnamcountyleague.org/

*SBC / Sandusky Bay (River, Lake & Bay) High School Baseball Scores - https://www.sanduskybayconference.net/ - stats / standings - https://www.mrhiggins.net/sbc

*TRAC / Three Rivers High School Baseball Scores - https://www.tracsports.org/
+Toledo Central Catholic 6 (TRAC; 7-4), Findlay 2 (TRAC; 6-10) - Blade/box; Courier

*TAAC / Toledo Area High School Baseball Scores

*TCL / Toledo City High School Baseball Scores
+Toledo Woodward 11 (TCL), Toledo Rogers 10 (TCL; 0-11)
+Toledo Start 17 (TCL; 6-10), Toledo Waite 0 (TCL)

*WBL/Western Buckeye High School Baseball Scores - https://www.wblsports.com/

* * *
Media -

#JTV / Jackson TV sports - https://jtv.tv/shows/jtv-sports/
*Extreme Dodge Jackson County Scoreboard (staff 05/01) - https://jtv.tv/extreme-dodge-jackson-county-scoreboard-may-1-2023/

#Arbor Broadcasting game videos - https://arborbroadcasting.com/ - Baseball

#BCSN Highlights - https://www.bcsnnation.com/

#Hot start (16-0) has top-ranked Eastwood baseball living in the moment (Steve Junga - Toledo Blade 05/01) https://www.toledoblade.com/sports/high-school/2023/05/01/hot-start-has-top-ranked-eastwood-baseball-living-in-the-moment/stories/20230501132

#Archbold grad Newman having immediate success hitting, pitching for BGSU baseball (Michael Burwell - Toledo Blade 05/01) https://www.toledoblade.com/sports/bgsu/2023/05/01/archbold-grad-newman-having-immediate-success-hitting-pitching-for-bgsu-baseball/stories/20230501124

#(Toledo) Central Catholic tops (Findlay) Trojans 6-2 in TRAC matchup (staff - Findlay Courier) https://thecourier.com/news/457357/central-catholic-tops-trojans-6-2-in-trac-matchup/

#Area baseball/softball games canceled (all!) (Jeffrey R Ratliff - Northwest Signal 05/01) https://www.northwestsignal.net/sports/article_c45ae327-77f1-55e8-b788-9860dd335e06.html

#Local Sports: Top four powers Flat Rock to win over Jefferson (Niles Kruger - Monroe News 05/02) https://www.monroenews.com/story/sports/2023/05/01/local-sports-top-four-powers-flat-rock-to-win-over-jefferson/70173057007/ baseball (Flat Rock / Monroe Jefferson; Gibraltar Carlson / Woodhaven)

#Leading hitters, pitchers in Livingston County baseball (Bill Khan - Livingston Daily 05/01) https://www.livingstondaily.com/story/sports/high-school/baseball/2023/05/01/leading-hitters-pitchers-in-livingston-county-baseball/70170288007/ (Pinckney; Brighton; Charyl Stockwell; Howell; Hartland and Fowlerville)

#Reed Raymond saves the day and earns GLIAC Pitcher of the Week for SVSU (Lee Thompson - MLive 05/02) https://www.mlive.com/highschoolsports/2023/05/reed-raymond-saves-the-day-and-earns-gliac-pitcher-of-the-week-for-svsu.html (Standish-Sterling HS/MI / Gladwin American Legion Post 171 - Saginaw Valley State University);

#Former Beaverton star (Carson Longstreth) slams three home runs in four at-bats for Northwood (Lee Thompson - MLive 05/01) https://www.mlive.com/highschoolsports/2023/05/former-beaverton-star-slams-three-home-runs-in-four-at-bats-for-northwood.html (Beaverton HS/MI / Gladwin American Legion Post 171 - Northwood University);

#Dexter Baseball Takes Two from Jackson (Mike Williamson - Sun Times News 04/30) https://thesuntimesnews.com/g/dexter-mi/n/156715/dexter-baseball-takes-two-jackson

#Saline Baseball Cruises to Sweep of Ypsilanti (Mike Williamson - Sun Times News 04/29) https://thesuntimesnews.com/g/saline-mi/n/156650/saline-baseball-cruises-sweep-ypsilanti

#Dexter Baseball Finishes Sweep of Huron (Mike Williamson - Sun Times News 04/29) https://thesuntimesnews.com/g/dexter-mi/n/156569/dexter-baseball-finishes-sweep-huron

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